Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why is Hollywood so Liberal

To qualify as an “actor,” or a celebrity in HOLLYWOOD apparently you have to check in your spine or your moral fortitude? Apparently that is the case and has been since the 60’s and the awakening of the hippie movement.

It seems that it is more popular to be the voice against everything that made the USA what it is and has been for over 200 years. You know that crazy radical stuff like free speech, capitalism, gun rights, and civil rights and so on and so on.

It is people like Jane Fonda (HANOI JANE) or Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Ron Howard, Oprah, Brad Pitt… Well, 95% of Hollywood that really sets me off. They use the talking points of wealth redistribution and universal health care… Here is a simple fact. A true liberal would not be wealthy… That is a fact. These people have forgotten about the years that they may have struggled to accomplish the wealth that they have now. Who are these people including the anointed one him to tell us that we are “greedy,” or we should “spread the wealth.” My money, my effort, my money!

When Obama talks about windfall profits of the "BIG OIL," why does he and congress forget about the windfall profits of Hollywood? Like when Spiderman 3 grosses a half a BILLION dollars. Or when Brad Pitt commands $30 milliion dollars per picture. Why? Because Hollywood is liberal and they support liberal/ Socialist candidates who support the same agenda.

The United States is the most giving, the most generous country on this planet. Enough said on that point.

As far as universal health care is concerned, can someone tell me in what country has this been successful??? France? England? Canada? ANSWER: NONE

I love to watch the old Hollywood movies with the true American actors like Clark Gable, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Earl Flynn. You see folks; these actors LOVED this country and what it used to stand for. They understood the sacrifice, the blood, sweat and tears that our men and women gave for the right of others to be free.

As far as I can see the closest person to my generation that has a link to stardom and also understood the meaning of the red, white and blue is Pat Tillman… He got it.
We are on a steady fall right now and we are losing our way and rights. Liberals claim to have the loudest voice for tolerance and usually seem to be the most intolerant. Case in point: The same sex marriage in California has been voted down THREE times by the people of California but somehow the courts think they can make laws from the bench and deny the will of the people. I recall seeing the gay community march on the streets after the vote came in and the people spoke.

When the liberals speak in favor of personal rights, why don’t they speak as loud for the rights of other people? Such as gun owners and unborn children?

Our success as a country is coming to an end… The cause is such groups as the ACLU and the Democrat political party.