Saturday, February 28, 2009

Barry and His Stimulus

I find this new administration to be frightening. I love how Barry said he will cut the deficit in half. Sadly, this may be true after he has ALREADY doubled the debt. He has spent more money in his first month than any other sitting President.

This stimulus package equates to nothing than pure robbery. “One person taking from the pocket of the citizen in front of him.” The providers of this country, the people who actually pay federal income taxes are walking up a large mountain. To burden our process Barry keeps adding bricks to our backpacks.

This is the quickest movement towards Socialism. They are forcing each state’s Governor who wants their part of the package to accept it with the social programs. (Strings attached)
However, my biggest complaint against Barry and his minions is the fact that “we,” as citizens are now contributing to state sponsored terrorism…. Close your gapping mouths Liberals, it is true. Yes, the anointed one has done wrong. Part of our package includes $900 MILLION dollars going to the terrorist group HAMAS to rebuild in the Gaza Strip. Does anyone believe that these people are going to buy medical supplies, hospital beds or rebuild homes? I know they will buy items like C4, missiles, bombs and other goodies to lob over to Israel. We just turned our back on one of our strongest allies.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thank Heaven for Democrats

Thank heaven for the Democrats. Had it not been for them, I wouldn't have learned that broadband and wireless Internet were God-given rights.
Yeah, and after-school snacks and contraceptives and those digital TV converter boxes, too. They're all part of President Obama's so-called economic stimulus package, the one he promised would be devoid of earmarks. I guess that depends on your definition of pork.

It spends $20 billion in additional money for the Food Stamp program. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says food stamps will stimulate the economy more than tax cuts. Now you know why we're doomed. She actually believes that the government buying groceries with your money is better than you buying groceries with your money. "It's about jobs, tax cuts and accountability," she said of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Don't you love that name? Well, it's about jobs, all right. It's about jobs created by the federal government; and so-called "green jobs" at that. It doesn't matter if these jobs aren't really needed. Obama and Pelosi are smarter than all of the economists who say make-work plans dreamt up by the government won't work.
The tax cuts she refers to are just for the middle class, by the way. Forget those who pay 60 percent of the income taxes – the top 5 percent of wage-earners, according to the IRS. They get no relief whatsoever.
Oh, and her claim that this bill is about accountability. You be the judge. Here are some highlights:
• $726 million for an after school snack program. Since when did it become the federal government's job to buy a kid a bag of Cheetos?
• $8.2 billion to bring broadband and wireless to un-served areas. How can we expect these people to use satellite Internet or dial-up? What
• $650 million for more of those coupons for people to buy a $40 converter box for their analog TVs. Technology changes, people. Change with it or buy your own converter box. I wonder if they'll give me a rebate on my old 8-track?

And here's the one I love.
• $52.4 billion for carbon capture and sequestration demonstration projects. This is where they suck CO2 out of the air and pump it underground.
I'm not allotted enough column space to tell you all the insanity in this bill.
For those of you who are now starting to recognize that the whole global warming issue is a farce, you still may wonder what it would hurt to take measures to fight it. This bill spends, at a minimum, $537 billion to fight this phantom called global warming.
Al Gore fought sleet and freezing rain to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this past week, stating that even if we halt greenhouse emissions now, we could experience a rise in temperatures by up to 7.5 degrees that "would bring a screeching halt to human civilization and threaten life everywhere on Earth, and this is by the end of this century." Dun-dun-dun! This, in the midst of record cold temperatures and record snowfall.
Dr. David Gee of the University of Uppsala in Sweden, a renowned scientist who has authored 130 peer-reviewed papers, asks a simple question. "For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?"
Of course, he's correct. We've been cooling since 1998 yet the Branch Algorians trudge forward, waist-deep (and that aint snow), as the vacuous vanguard of the "New America" follows closely behind.
Not one of these people can give me a single concrete link between what mankind is doing and any kind of temperature change, yet people like Sen. Bob Corker lap this stuff up. Corker is actually pushing a carbon tax!
This seems to be the problem. Many of the folks we sent to Washington to fight all this lunacy is now in league with the very people who are in the process of looting our country.
If you ever saw Disney's animated film The Lion King, understand this: Scar and the hyenas have now taken over Pride Rock.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Why is Hollywood so Liberal

To qualify as an “actor,” or a celebrity in HOLLYWOOD apparently you have to check in your spine or your moral fortitude? Apparently that is the case and has been since the 60’s and the awakening of the hippie movement.

It seems that it is more popular to be the voice against everything that made the USA what it is and has been for over 200 years. You know that crazy radical stuff like free speech, capitalism, gun rights, and civil rights and so on and so on.

It is people like Jane Fonda (HANOI JANE) or Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Ron Howard, Oprah, Brad Pitt… Well, 95% of Hollywood that really sets me off. They use the talking points of wealth redistribution and universal health care… Here is a simple fact. A true liberal would not be wealthy… That is a fact. These people have forgotten about the years that they may have struggled to accomplish the wealth that they have now. Who are these people including the anointed one him to tell us that we are “greedy,” or we should “spread the wealth.” My money, my effort, my money!

When Obama talks about windfall profits of the "BIG OIL," why does he and congress forget about the windfall profits of Hollywood? Like when Spiderman 3 grosses a half a BILLION dollars. Or when Brad Pitt commands $30 milliion dollars per picture. Why? Because Hollywood is liberal and they support liberal/ Socialist candidates who support the same agenda.

The United States is the most giving, the most generous country on this planet. Enough said on that point.

As far as universal health care is concerned, can someone tell me in what country has this been successful??? France? England? Canada? ANSWER: NONE

I love to watch the old Hollywood movies with the true American actors like Clark Gable, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Earl Flynn. You see folks; these actors LOVED this country and what it used to stand for. They understood the sacrifice, the blood, sweat and tears that our men and women gave for the right of others to be free.

As far as I can see the closest person to my generation that has a link to stardom and also understood the meaning of the red, white and blue is Pat Tillman… He got it.
We are on a steady fall right now and we are losing our way and rights. Liberals claim to have the loudest voice for tolerance and usually seem to be the most intolerant. Case in point: The same sex marriage in California has been voted down THREE times by the people of California but somehow the courts think they can make laws from the bench and deny the will of the people. I recall seeing the gay community march on the streets after the vote came in and the people spoke.

When the liberals speak in favor of personal rights, why don’t they speak as loud for the rights of other people? Such as gun owners and unborn children?

Our success as a country is coming to an end… The cause is such groups as the ACLU and the Democrat political party.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The destruction of our great country

I took this from a story printed two years ago but it speaks volumes of why we need to keep CLINTON out of office. It is sad that she even holds the position that she does today. Our country is on the cusp of a major Socialist movement unseen since Marx. Obama the chosen one is prepared to take us down the path of no return.

With his 1 trillion dollar spending plan including amnesty for illegal immigrants and universal health care our great grandchildren will be in debt for the rest of their lives.

Our recent financial bailouts to companies like KGA , GMAC and the two auto companies will shell out more money than ALL the wars that this country has been involved in including the Spanish/ American War. Nice job congress!!

"Anybody who watched presidential spokesman Tony Snow face a pack of snarling White House press corps correspondents following President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence will understand the meaning of the word hypocrisy These are the very same media hacks who turned a blind eye to Clintonista Sandy Berger stuffing national security documents in his socks, stealing them from the National Archives and destroying them and then getting nothing more in the way of punishment than a mere slap on the wrist.

Then there was Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who had the gall to issue a statement saying, "Today's decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law. This case arose from the Administration's politicization of national security intelligence and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies. Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the consequences of this White House's efforts to quell dissent.

This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." Said Tony Snow: "I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it." Here, after all, is the wife of a president who all but peddled pardons to an assortment of felons and miscreants including one malodorous fugitive from justice who had renounced his American citizenship. Doesn’t this woman recall that on her husband’s last day in the White House he signed 140 pardons and several commutations? Among the beneficiaries of Clinton’s compassion, according to Wikipedia : •Melvin J. Reynolds, a Democratic Congressman from Illinois, who was convicted of bank fraud, 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography.

Clinton commuted the sentence on the bank fraud and Reynolds was allowed to serve the final months under the auspices of a halfway house.

•His half-brother Roger Clinton on drug charges after having served the entire sentence more than a decade earlier.

•Marc Rich, a fugitive who had renounced his U.S. citizenship, was pardoned for tax evasion charges. Denise Rich, Marc's former wife, was a close friend of the Clintons and had made substantial donations to both Clinton's library and Hillary's Senate campaign. Clinton agreed to a pardon that required Marc Rich to pay a $100,000,000 fine before he could return to the United States. According to Paul Volker’s independent investigation of the U.N. Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving more than 4 million barrels of oil.

•Carlos A. Vignali, who had his sentence for cocaine trafficking commuted after serving 6 of 15 years in federal prison.

Almon Gledd Braswell was pardoned for his convictions for perjury and mail fraud, even while a federal investigation was underway regarding additional money laundering and tax evasion charges. Braswell and Vignali each paid approximately $200,000 to Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham, to represent their respective cases for clemency. Hugh Rodham returned the payments after they were disclosed to the public. Braswell would later invoke the Fifth Amendment at a Senate Committee hearing in 2001, when questioned about allegations of his having systematically defrauded senior citizens of millions of dollars.

•In March 2000, Bill Clinton pardoned Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, owners of United Shows International, for bank fraud charges from a 1982 conviction. (They were already out of jail, but the prior conviction prevented them from doing business in certain states.)

Hillary Clinton’s youngest brother, Tony, was an acquaintance of the Gregorys, and had lobbied Clinton on their behalf. In the wake of the pardons the Federal prosecutor in New York, Mary Jo White, was appointed to investigate what the media was calling “Pardongate.” She was replaced by James Comey, who obligingly cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing. This same James Comey was later responsible for the appointment of Patrick Fitzgerald as the special prosecutor who indicted Libby."